Proper Tension with the tension indicator
A better method of securing the band capable of holding proper tension, and the most important improvement for a consistent and successful outcome: a tension indicator.
Minimizes discomfort and complications
“Banding is better than cutting for the bigger animals,”
Temple Grandin
Professor of Animal Science
Colorado State University
Additional uses
An endangered 250-pound male Alligator Snapping Turtle was able to return to normal breeding activity after the Bander was used to remove a debilitating neck tumor.
Banding for Better Beef
Banding, offers alternatives for later castration, faster gains and less stress.
Delayed Castration can add significantly to the value of calves and the profitability of a cow-calf operation. Learn more here>>>
Not All Equal
Other castration products on the market are either bigger versions of the elastrator ring or depend on operator hand strength for tightening, failing to provide the proper tension.