Whether you use the Callicrate PRO Bander™, Callicrate SMART Bander™, or the Callicrate WEE Bander™ to remove your goat’s horns will depend on the diameter of the horn at its base.
The ‘WEE’ loop™ when stretched is an approximate 1.5” triangle. If the diameter of the horn is too large to fit in the stretched ‘WEE’ Loop™, you will need to use the Callicrate PRO Bander™ and Loop or the Callicrate SMART Bander™ and Loop.
Three month old Boer cross buck: horn base has been shaved with electric clippers and the dark line is drawn on to show where the skin intersects with the horn. This band is perfectly placed, as it is “hooked” beneath the base of the horn and sunken into the soft tissue.