Since full calves are born with the natural growth promotant, testosterone, it makes sense to delay castration through the growing phase. If you castrate them earlier, you lose this naturally-occurring benefit. Research has shown that bull calves gain and develop faster and more efficiently than steer calves castrated soon after birth. This approach avoids the use of synthetic hormone implants, qualifying cattle for the premium natural beef programs.

Management Options:

  1. Calves sold at weaning: Use The Callicrate Bander on Calves approximately one month prior to sale date.
  2. Calves sold following a post-weaning, pre-conditioning program: Castrate at weaning time.
  3. Calves retained through the growing and/or feeding phase: Castrate at about 750 lbs. or no later than 100 to 120 days prior to slaughter.
  4. Purebred bull calves: Delay decision time. Leave calves intact until heavier weights and safely castrate the culled bulls.

The Callicrate Bander:

  • Safe. Operator and animal benefit from a bloodless procedure and uninterrupted performance.
  • Quick, easy and effective. The tension indicator on The Callicrate Bander assures proper tension.
  • Consistent results. Unlike ordinary tubing, the specially formulated rubber withstands and maintains the high tension needed for success. The patented metal clip locks the loop into place preventing slippage.
  • Reliable and durable. The Callicrate Bander is guaranteed to be free of defects for five years. If it needs repair, we’ll fix it.
  • Available. See your animal health supplier or feed dealer and request The Callicrate Bander and loops, or call us at 1-800-858-5974 or 785-332-3344 for a distributor near you.
  • A tool for producing the finest quality beef. One of the best examples is our own line of “Callicrate Beef” marketed by Ranch Foods Direct and raised under a protocol that utilizes The Callicrate Bander. Delayed castration is a wonderful way to take advantage of nature’s own naturally-occuring growth promotants while avoiding the use of artificial hormones, which have been shown to make meat tougher and reduce flavor. The price premiums available for cattle that qualify for natural branded beef programs are worth considering. For more information on what is considered by many to be the “Best Beef Anywhere,” visit
  • American-made in the heart of U.S. cattle country. Our No-Bull office is located at Callicrate Cattle Company in far NW Kansas – Cheyenne County – 7 miles southwest of St. Francis. Callicrate Banders and Loops are manufactured by Ross Manufacturing in St. Francis, Kansas. The toolboxes, Callicrate Cutters, Loop Stretchers, and all parts are Made in the USA. All assembly of banders and loops is done in St. Francis. Even our No-Bull hats are Made in the USA!
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On utilizing banding for castrating older bulls:  “Banding has proven to be an outstanding alternative in that situation to knife castration.  With surgical castration we had a rate of 8-9 percent complications with 1-2 percent of those being severe.  With banding, we have few problems.”

Dr. Dee Griffin

University of Nebraska Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center